Why you should exhibit in C!Print Madrid?


-> Join the market leaders: manufacturers, distributors, partners, and the most relevant associations in the sector, and show your latest technology in machinery and/or equipment, your new applications, and/or your new materials.

-> Receive more than 11,965 qualified visitors during the show, 71% of them with a decision-making role. Attract new customers or strengthen ties with them.

-> Participate in an genuine event, a platform for trends: at the last edition 55 speakers shared their expertise in 19 conferences, 14 workshops and technical workshops, plus 2 prize-giving ceremonies.

-> Be part of a unique atmosphere with areas that favour commercial relations, such as the business bar, reserved exclusively for exhibitors and their clients.

-> Benefit from personalised marketing and communication actions: designed to maximise your visibility and impact during the show and throughout the rest of the year via C!Print Madrid communication channels.

-> Promote and/or consolidate your brand image within the sector.

ambiente cprint madrid

Exhibiting at C!Print you will also:

  • Participate in a transversal fair that guides and builds bridges to new markets.
  • Keep up with the latest innovations in the sector and from your competitors.
  • Improve your relationship with your existing customers and network. 
  • Participate at the exclusive content and demo areas:

Image gallery C!Print Madrid 2023