Trends in the textile and personalization sector

The recent health crisis has turned the current production systems upside down. On reflection, the time has come for change. The days of over-consumption are numbered, the time has come for industry to become aware of the environment, limited resources and to implement sustainable production systems. What is one of the solutions? Printing on demand.

print on demand cprint madrid


Revitalizing processes

Production by order: this has been the maxim of small companies born in the digital era, and now seems to be the moment when mass-market brands also adopt this philosophy. This will require them to reduce their inventory while maintaining diversity in the catalogue, and to adapt all their processes accordingly.

But not only in the textile sector, almost every sector and consumer product is susceptible to using this system. For instance, in the case of the editorial sector, which is saved by reducing print runs.


And the trend is evolving: it allows to produce and sell on the Internet through a provider. That is, the dropshipping agency receives the design, takes care of creating the product, manages it, packages it and sends it to the customers.

Lower production cost, fast delivery and ultra-customization. An alternative that adds to existing digital printing applications.

print on demand Cprint Madrid


The channels for capturing and selling online have been prioritized and all efforts are focused, more than ever, on adopting digital technologies also in design, production, and data management.

At C!Print Madrid, we will be alert to the next movements of the actors in the visual communication, printing and personalization sector.