Decoration: A 100% personalised space!

Printing hardware is more and more versatile and it is now possible to personalise a variety of substrates, such as: paper, textile, vinyl, tile, etc.

Today, this hardware opens up new opportunities to personalise a space from top to bottom at a lower cost, with the same pattern printed on the wallpaper, curtains, chairs, shelves and even a refrigerator!

PLUG&PLAY, a 1,000m2 creative workshop at the centre of C!Print Madrid, will dedicated itself to the applications that are now possible thanks to printing techniques and substrates. Innovations allow us to personalise a space in any number of ways, from a point of sale to a home interior.

Indeed, did you know that it was possible to:

  • Easily personalize furniture thanks to adhesive covering?
  • Disinfect a meeting room with antibacterial vinyl?
  • Personalise in wide format, wallpaper, linoleum, cushions or even a door?
  • Print a 3D prototype in plastic, metal, etc.?
  • Build remarkable and customisable structures in cardboard (stands, pop-up stores, furniture etc.)?
  • Reproduce the same image on a vehicle fleet, the façade of a headquarter and direction signage?

Discover even more personalisation ideas and the latest applications in C!Print Madrid, on October 6th, 7th and 8th 2015 at Casa de Campo – Pabellón de Cristal!

 Order your badge for free!

